Made this last week for the lil hobbit. He wants to wear it ALL THE TIME. When he gets hot, no problem. He just takes off everything else and puts the vest back on. What a sight, a little hobbit running around in nuttin' but a vest and Thomas undies.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Like Totally Psych-ic'd, Man
Clearly I haven't written in a while. Seems like Flubber's Day was centuries ago. I managed to flub up the day after by forgetting the birthday socks and then getting a flat tire. Since then it's been one thing after another and I am not even sure I can write with much sense in this blog. I topped off the general zaniness of the past week and a half by getting a reading from a psychic this weekend. As if I wasn't already paranoid, now I worry that I am sending out crazy vibes to all the psychics out there. I think she may have felt sorry for me! I felt like she was reading me like a book and that freaked me out. Hey, I actually said how I felt. She said that I hide my feelings so that others can't use them to gain control and over power me. Hmmm, has she been reading my blog perhaps? I could go on with some of the other eerie insights, but really, I am not that open about "stuff". The psychic didn't have to tell me that by the way, I already knew that I am a human robot!
I will say though, that she suggested I try to be more spontaneous and "passionate" (get out of the gutter, she meant losing myself in something and forgetting time and other commitments). I am trying really really hard but that isn't something you can just do. Ha ha, that wasn't supposed to be funny but the pun is there just the same. I thought about some of the ways and all I came up with so far was to leave a valley girl voice mail on my cell phone. By the way, I like do this amazingly wicked valley girl impression ya know. It would like totally rock your world and you would so die laughing. Anyway, it would have been funny but then I was so worried that someone would actually call my phone and hear it and well, when I called to check I had accidentally forgotten to save it or something because it wasn't there. I don't think I am cut out for that sort of fun. I used to be, whoa boy, I used have some fun. Unfortunately, I have a stupid rep to protect (love that one!) and my own stupid fear of calling unnecessary attention to myself. Oh my gosh, I think I am giving myself away here, must retreat to robot mode.
So, in my last post I mentioned pulling out an old project to finish. It was a sweater for Eric that I had first started this past fall. I got working on it a couple weeks ago but soon realized I had stopped before because I was running out of yarn. After some problem solving I decided to get a contrasting color for the hems and quickly got back to work. I worked for a couple days on it before I realized the super duper problem, it is WAY TOO SMALL for Eric. I don't even think I could comfortably wear this. What was I thinking? I am trying to imagine all the ways it could have shrunk in the closet. The good news is that I am well on my way to finishing it and eventually it will fit my daughter and more importantly, because I could not possibly rip out that much knitting, I had to buy more yarn and it was on sale! So, I got this wonderful organic cotton and started over, and then over and tonight I'll start over again. At least I have started over enough times now that I think I'll get it right. I could always consider using a pattern, naw! I did the front and the back of the sweater and was getting ready to finish off the shoulders when I thought hmmm, the neck doesn't look big enough and the shoulders aren't as wide as I'd like. I held it up to Eric and quickly announced that it's a "do over". He didn't react well to this news and I doubt he believes I'll really do it. He thought it was such a shame to waste all that hard work. I'll wait to do it when he's not looking so it won't hurt him so much. Silly man, doesn't he realize I LIKE knitting? It isn't like I am knitting him a sweater because he's cold or can't get to a store to buy one. Geez Louise, non-knitters, they make no sense :)'
I will say though, that she suggested I try to be more spontaneous and "passionate" (get out of the gutter, she meant losing myself in something and forgetting time and other commitments). I am trying really really hard but that isn't something you can just do. Ha ha, that wasn't supposed to be funny but the pun is there just the same. I thought about some of the ways and all I came up with so far was to leave a valley girl voice mail on my cell phone. By the way, I like do this amazingly wicked valley girl impression ya know. It would like totally rock your world and you would so die laughing. Anyway, it would have been funny but then I was so worried that someone would actually call my phone and hear it and well, when I called to check I had accidentally forgotten to save it or something because it wasn't there. I don't think I am cut out for that sort of fun. I used to be, whoa boy, I used have some fun. Unfortunately, I have a stupid rep to protect (love that one!) and my own stupid fear of calling unnecessary attention to myself. Oh my gosh, I think I am giving myself away here, must retreat to robot mode.
So, in my last post I mentioned pulling out an old project to finish. It was a sweater for Eric that I had first started this past fall. I got working on it a couple weeks ago but soon realized I had stopped before because I was running out of yarn. After some problem solving I decided to get a contrasting color for the hems and quickly got back to work. I worked for a couple days on it before I realized the super duper problem, it is WAY TOO SMALL for Eric. I don't even think I could comfortably wear this. What was I thinking? I am trying to imagine all the ways it could have shrunk in the closet. The good news is that I am well on my way to finishing it and eventually it will fit my daughter and more importantly, because I could not possibly rip out that much knitting, I had to buy more yarn and it was on sale! So, I got this wonderful organic cotton and started over, and then over and tonight I'll start over again. At least I have started over enough times now that I think I'll get it right. I could always consider using a pattern, naw! I did the front and the back of the sweater and was getting ready to finish off the shoulders when I thought hmmm, the neck doesn't look big enough and the shoulders aren't as wide as I'd like. I held it up to Eric and quickly announced that it's a "do over". He didn't react well to this news and I doubt he believes I'll really do it. He thought it was such a shame to waste all that hard work. I'll wait to do it when he's not looking so it won't hurt him so much. Silly man, doesn't he realize I LIKE knitting? It isn't like I am knitting him a sweater because he's cold or can't get to a store to buy one. Geez Louise, non-knitters, they make no sense :)'
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Flubber's Day
I have officially flubbed Valentine's Day. My dear hubby, Eric came through this time and got the kids each a little something. Naturally the kids assumed I had bought the stuff and it would have been easy enough to go along with that, except Eric would have eventually found me out. When my daughter saw my chocolate on the counter she even felt bad for me, assuming I had bought it for myself. She immediately promised to make me a card but once again, I had to fess up and tell her that dad had bought it for me. It was kinda nice to get a little pity, even if it was misplaced. I figured I'd do a little something for everyone on my way home but... Really, I have an excuse, the weather has sucked and the driving was sketchy. I couldn't figure out why my car felt all loosey goosey because the roads didn't look too terrible, but there was enough ice to make me feel like I was surfing on luck alone. I can still get them something tomorrow, and it'll be on sale! With kids any candy is good candy, even if its a day late.
Flubbing aside, I finished a pair of socks tonight for my friend's birthday, which is tomorrow. Everyday it's been a little harder because Deputy Trudy Wiegles has been getting after my needles. The Reno 911 character did not come out ofthe tv screen, "Trudy" is my cat, named after the tv character. Every night this week she's gotten into my bag after I've gone to bed and chewed a bit more on the needles. Tonight the tip of one was chewed enough to get snagged on the yarn but I had to persevere. These are my favorite needles just because I use them the most. I've heard of cats who love yarn, but she didn't even touch that. Now I'm onto a little project that's been hibernating all winter. I am excited to get back to it and will share more on it next time.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Ways to beat a bully
I have decided to turn this post into an informative yet rare look at how to turn one's discontent with a bully into self satisying rebellion against the forces of evil. However, heed my words cautiously, my methods of rebellion are really passive agressive attempts to feel better because I don't have the gonads (but I do have closet full of balls, yarn balls) or personality to get really mean. I only use my little tricks to help myself feel powerful against the two bullies I deal with on a regular basis. Even so, I am sure to feel massive guilt and remorse for being conniving in my small and insignificant ways by putting this on a blog. That's why nice girls get bullied! This advice is meant only for other passive people who often tend to be left feeling the victim and wondering, "what did I do wrong here?" This advice isn't going to help you if you are a brave enough soul to take on the world's bad guys without so much as a bruise to your ego. Then again, even if you are a passive person, this advice isn't gonna help you. If I was so smart in dealing with bullies then I wouldn't be in a snit blogging about bullies right now!
So, here's how to rebel against bullies (do as I say, not as I do):
1. Laugh. Bullies hate more than anything to be laughed at. But, be careful when employing this method. You have to be generally a passive and nice enough person most of the time to actually get away with this when the situation arises. This is what I call "naive laughter", because you must simultaniously make the bully believe that you are unaware that this is not supposed to be a funny moment.
2. Know your bully The oddest thing about bullies is they tend never to be wrong. Sucks, I know but you can use this to your advantage. While they are busy never doing anything wrong you can be cataloging all their faults. Bullies also make the best hippocrates because of this blaring fault. When you find yourself under attack you just throw out the ole' "I don't understand cuz when you did XYZ, (pretty much the same thing), it was considered hero worthy. How is this different?" Oh, because you aren't getting your way, Wahhh!
3. Be nice So everyone hates the bully but you are nice. No backdoor methods here, just revel in the glory that the bully uses power and misery to get her way. Who needs that when you've got friends? Power through corruption and coercion can't be all that gratifying when all is said and done. When you are genuinely nice, you feel so much better about who you are and the positive impact you make on the world.
4. Watch out for the eeby geebies Bullies are bullies because they are actually afraid of something. It may take some time, but you can eventually figure out what that fear is. A standard in the bully business is the need for power and fear of losing it. Both my bullies have this. One also has a fear of being wrong and the other one has a fear of looking bad and amusingly enough, of the other bully. Once you identify the "fear factor" you have better chance of avoiding conflict with the bully. I am not about to suggest that you throw the fearful thing in a bully's face, there is no need of that, unless you are really desperate and looking to move soon. Nope, all you have to do is avoid anything that involves that fear. For example, if one of my bullies is afraid of the other bully (tee hee, I just like repeating it), then I should just steer clear of inducing the need for the fearful one to have to face the feared one on my behalf. Or, if the bully is afraid of losing power then don't do or say anything that threatens their perception of that. Okay wait, this is not sound advice, this is impossible! You really can't avoid this altogether since how a bully perceives a threat will never really make any sense to the rest of us. At the very least, you might find some enjoyment in knowing they have a fear, like one bully fearing another (I repeated it again because it's funny!)
5. Be on the ball Wow, that bully really would love to catch you in the wrong. Make this too hard by staying on top of your game and doing what you say you'll do. If you make a mistake, be honest and humble. Just be an all around good person who honestly tries to do what's right. This goes along with the "be nice" tip. It's hard to nail someone who is genuinely a good person. The bully loses clout when they go after you. This is an especially important tip when you are too nice because you really do not have the skill for one on one combat. Nice people find it almost impossible to play hardball when "mean" is the weapon of choice.
6. You can't teach the world to sing in perfect harmony! You must know in your heart that you and the bully will never have a trusting and respectful relationship unless the bullying stops. In most cases, bullies don't stop. Armed with this knowledge you can let go of this overwhelming inclination you have to make nicey nice. Bullies will try to smooth things over (for themselves)by attempting to make you feel like you are the bad guy, and convincing others to believe it as well. Bullies sometimes will try to make amends, but this usually entails doling out some guilt on you that somehow relates to their actions. You'll know you are dealing with a bully the first time you are somehow (again, what did I do wrong here?) responsible for their behavior even when it is logistically impossible. Here's an example, one of my bullies will often make decisions while ignoring input and warnings from others. She will become angry at those who disagree and insist that she is making the decision that she deems appropriate. Then when it blows up she will say that she was not given the information and it is our fault (remember, bullies aren't wrong). Every time she swears that had she known information then she would have made the right choice. Evidently we withhold information in some evil attempt to create havoc and misery because we have bad intentions and she always has the kindest bestest intentions I find this especially excruciating when a groupie joins her ranks and says, "what did you do to try to stop her?" adding to the notion that its still our fault for retreating when the angry outburst came out and giving up too soon. Soo, let go of any guilt you feel for not doing everything in your power to maintain the peace if making peace leaves you feel like the victim. And know that the bully usually has followers who are not the bullies themselves but people who stay close to the power and help keep the dysfunction running smoothly. By the way, this can be emotional abuse and will really screw with your noggin.
7. Silence is golden A bully gets power through coercion and manipulation. This includes manipulating you into believing a perception they are creating. They need data to manipulate and coerce, without anything to bend they can't do their dirty work. This is a good time for silence, especially when the data they seek to manipulate are your feelings. Don't allow them to know your feelings, those are powerful things and you own them! If a situation calls for defense on your part, defend yourself once with facts but do not get into the battle and do not show emotion. Then, don't say anything more You hold the power of silence and leave the bully wondering what you are thinking. This takes practice. After a few go rounds where you try to express yourself to a bully who isn't gonna hear that, you should be well healed from needing to continue this cycle of misery. My greatest triumph with one of my bullies was when I just sat there while she had what amounted to a one way conversation about our "differences". She actually talked herself out of taking it any further because I didn't respond, even though she tried to get me to. the only time a bully wants your opinion is when you refuse to give it, it's a power thing I sat there and watched her with no expression on my face, making her believe I didn't really care. Trust me, I had previously tried and the more I tried to state my case the more she had to argue against. By giving her nothing, nada, zip, she had no where to go with it and nothing to use against me. The truth is, I really did care because she made statements that were completely false and the irrefutable proof I had did not matter. She damaged the relationship beyond repair but going back to tip #6, I didn't hold myself resonsible and I left supremely satisfied that she wanted something from me that she couldn't get, my thoughts and feelings.
8. Find a balance Bullies are everywhere and can make you miserable if you let them. Find ways to improve your own self esteem and blow off some steam. Certainly you would not want to join in the coercive games they play, so go ahead and feel gratified by all the things that you do well, including being kind to your fellow man. Remember, you are a nice person and it goes against your nature to be mean so don't try to step up to the evil with evil of your own. Even if you successfully take on that challenge, you'll likely regret it soon enough. No matter how justified you feel in hurting someone back, you will lay in your bed feeling guilty, the bully won't. Spend time with people who love you just the way you are. Read a book, talk to friends, knit a voo doo doll, heck, put the bully's picture on a dart board and go to town. Whatever it is, don't hurt anyone else in the process and you'll do just fine. I just blogged about it...and I'd like to see a couple of bullies do something about it! Boo yah!!
So, here's how to rebel against bullies (do as I say, not as I do):
1. Laugh. Bullies hate more than anything to be laughed at. But, be careful when employing this method. You have to be generally a passive and nice enough person most of the time to actually get away with this when the situation arises. This is what I call "naive laughter", because you must simultaniously make the bully believe that you are unaware that this is not supposed to be a funny moment.
2. Know your bully The oddest thing about bullies is they tend never to be wrong. Sucks, I know but you can use this to your advantage. While they are busy never doing anything wrong you can be cataloging all their faults. Bullies also make the best hippocrates because of this blaring fault. When you find yourself under attack you just throw out the ole' "I don't understand cuz when you did XYZ, (pretty much the same thing), it was considered hero worthy. How is this different?" Oh, because you aren't getting your way, Wahhh!
3. Be nice So everyone hates the bully but you are nice. No backdoor methods here, just revel in the glory that the bully uses power and misery to get her way. Who needs that when you've got friends? Power through corruption and coercion can't be all that gratifying when all is said and done. When you are genuinely nice, you feel so much better about who you are and the positive impact you make on the world.
4. Watch out for the eeby geebies Bullies are bullies because they are actually afraid of something. It may take some time, but you can eventually figure out what that fear is. A standard in the bully business is the need for power and fear of losing it. Both my bullies have this. One also has a fear of being wrong and the other one has a fear of looking bad and amusingly enough, of the other bully. Once you identify the "fear factor" you have better chance of avoiding conflict with the bully. I am not about to suggest that you throw the fearful thing in a bully's face, there is no need of that, unless you are really desperate and looking to move soon. Nope, all you have to do is avoid anything that involves that fear. For example, if one of my bullies is afraid of the other bully (tee hee, I just like repeating it), then I should just steer clear of inducing the need for the fearful one to have to face the feared one on my behalf. Or, if the bully is afraid of losing power then don't do or say anything that threatens their perception of that. Okay wait, this is not sound advice, this is impossible! You really can't avoid this altogether since how a bully perceives a threat will never really make any sense to the rest of us. At the very least, you might find some enjoyment in knowing they have a fear, like one bully fearing another (I repeated it again because it's funny!)
5. Be on the ball Wow, that bully really would love to catch you in the wrong. Make this too hard by staying on top of your game and doing what you say you'll do. If you make a mistake, be honest and humble. Just be an all around good person who honestly tries to do what's right. This goes along with the "be nice" tip. It's hard to nail someone who is genuinely a good person. The bully loses clout when they go after you. This is an especially important tip when you are too nice because you really do not have the skill for one on one combat. Nice people find it almost impossible to play hardball when "mean" is the weapon of choice.
6. You can't teach the world to sing in perfect harmony! You must know in your heart that you and the bully will never have a trusting and respectful relationship unless the bullying stops. In most cases, bullies don't stop. Armed with this knowledge you can let go of this overwhelming inclination you have to make nicey nice. Bullies will try to smooth things over (for themselves)by attempting to make you feel like you are the bad guy, and convincing others to believe it as well. Bullies sometimes will try to make amends, but this usually entails doling out some guilt on you that somehow relates to their actions. You'll know you are dealing with a bully the first time you are somehow (again, what did I do wrong here?) responsible for their behavior even when it is logistically impossible. Here's an example, one of my bullies will often make decisions while ignoring input and warnings from others. She will become angry at those who disagree and insist that she is making the decision that she deems appropriate. Then when it blows up she will say that she was not given the information and it is our fault (remember, bullies aren't wrong). Every time she swears that had she known information then she would have made the right choice. Evidently we withhold information in some evil attempt to create havoc and misery because we have bad intentions and she always has the kindest bestest intentions I find this especially excruciating when a groupie joins her ranks and says, "what did you do to try to stop her?" adding to the notion that its still our fault for retreating when the angry outburst came out and giving up too soon. Soo, let go of any guilt you feel for not doing everything in your power to maintain the peace if making peace leaves you feel like the victim. And know that the bully usually has followers who are not the bullies themselves but people who stay close to the power and help keep the dysfunction running smoothly. By the way, this can be emotional abuse and will really screw with your noggin.
7. Silence is golden A bully gets power through coercion and manipulation. This includes manipulating you into believing a perception they are creating. They need data to manipulate and coerce, without anything to bend they can't do their dirty work. This is a good time for silence, especially when the data they seek to manipulate are your feelings. Don't allow them to know your feelings, those are powerful things and you own them! If a situation calls for defense on your part, defend yourself once with facts but do not get into the battle and do not show emotion. Then, don't say anything more You hold the power of silence and leave the bully wondering what you are thinking. This takes practice. After a few go rounds where you try to express yourself to a bully who isn't gonna hear that, you should be well healed from needing to continue this cycle of misery. My greatest triumph with one of my bullies was when I just sat there while she had what amounted to a one way conversation about our "differences". She actually talked herself out of taking it any further because I didn't respond, even though she tried to get me to. the only time a bully wants your opinion is when you refuse to give it, it's a power thing I sat there and watched her with no expression on my face, making her believe I didn't really care. Trust me, I had previously tried and the more I tried to state my case the more she had to argue against. By giving her nothing, nada, zip, she had no where to go with it and nothing to use against me. The truth is, I really did care because she made statements that were completely false and the irrefutable proof I had did not matter. She damaged the relationship beyond repair but going back to tip #6, I didn't hold myself resonsible and I left supremely satisfied that she wanted something from me that she couldn't get, my thoughts and feelings.
8. Find a balance Bullies are everywhere and can make you miserable if you let them. Find ways to improve your own self esteem and blow off some steam. Certainly you would not want to join in the coercive games they play, so go ahead and feel gratified by all the things that you do well, including being kind to your fellow man. Remember, you are a nice person and it goes against your nature to be mean so don't try to step up to the evil with evil of your own. Even if you successfully take on that challenge, you'll likely regret it soon enough. No matter how justified you feel in hurting someone back, you will lay in your bed feeling guilty, the bully won't. Spend time with people who love you just the way you are. Read a book, talk to friends, knit a voo doo doll, heck, put the bully's picture on a dart board and go to town. Whatever it is, don't hurt anyone else in the process and you'll do just fine. I just blogged about it...and I'd like to see a couple of bullies do something about it! Boo yah!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
...Only to be killed...
I wish I had blogged yesterday, when I was still alive and desperately working on the second pair of "killer" socks. I received them in the mail yesterday and quickly realized that I couldn't get the gauge right, so I started from the beginning. I finished one last night and then completed the leg on the second today before deciding I was safe to stop and take a nap. Somewhere between Friday and Saturday night I developed a cold and that alone was threatening to take me down. What finally brought me down was a pair of socks delivered to my door shortly after I fell asleep. My 9 year old recieved the package and promptly came in to tell me, "Sorry to tell you mom, but you're dead." I was extremely groggy but it took only moments for me to feel the exquisite relief of death. If only death had come yesterday before I toiled so on those socks...but, it's done and I am glad to have them off the needles and ready to go on to my assassin.
My story of survival extends beyond the battle of the soxes. I managed to make it through nearly 3 hours in the clock costume a.k.a. box, on Friday afternoon. At times it was perilous navigating my way around, at times uncomfortable. It's hard to make time stand still when your as wiggly as I am. I took delight in scaring people who didn't realize there was a person in the box (yeah, that was worth it) and in the fact that I could just be by myself in a box. I think I could easily spend a lot of time in a box if that would be permissable while working. So what do you do in a box? I whiled away my time by taking pics of myself, drinking a Pina Colada (non-alcoholic of course), and napping here and there. I have added just a few pictures of my time in a box. Yeah, I took the close up of myself while sitting in the box (second one down)! Laugh, I don't care.
The last two pics are of the completed "Grimace Top". With the help of a snow day on Thursday, I was able to finish it up Thursday night and wear it on Friday. I am modeling it with Fiona, a manequin who visited the office for the costume party on Friday. With my death I was able to start knitting a pair of socks for a friend of mine who is having a birthday this week. I am already onto the heel of the first one. I'll post pics of that pair, along with my killer socks soon. By the way, I immediaetly put on my new socks and they are comfy and GORGEOUS, the perfect colors for me. I believe my assassin did a little research into my favorite colors from all the way over there in Missourri. I am bummed that I, a true blue Mainer, was taken out by a Missourian, but I'll get over that.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Staying Alive
Yeah, yeah, I am not working on my costume. But I did bring the box home and stopped to get some paint to make it look clocklike. Maybe I'll get to it tonight, but then again, there's always tomorrow. I want to work on my Grimace Top, which I started last Monday. I had to stop over the weekend for the sock battle and would like to finish it before the next socks arrive for me to finish. I am not dead (yet) and have gotten word that the next pair for me to complete will be working their way to me soon. Now its a wait and see whether I'll get them before I am killed with my own pair of socks.
The Grimace Top: My goal was to come up with something like a vest but long (to cover my butt)and ultra comfy. Something I can wear to dress up or grunge down in. So in comes the Grimace Top, which I am doing in a heavenly purple cotton. I am working in the round from the bottom up, and have reached the point of binding off for the armpits. Once again I am making up my own pattern. I do this mostly because I am pretty fussy and generally don't follow direction well, even in the knitting world. I prefer to just coast along minding my own business rather than stopping to read what to do next and fretting over whether I'll get it right. I get the image of what I want in my mind and find it easier to create it that way than to read it from a pattern. I am getting better at writing down the pattern as I go along so who knows, maybe one day I'll post one. I say that, but I don't think I've written more than the number of cast on stitches for this pattern! I might have even lost the pattern already for the Natali Rose Sweater. Perhaps I should make it a goal to spend a bit more time honing my skills in that area.
So here's a pic and I am off to work on it some more.

The Grimace Top: My goal was to come up with something like a vest but long (to cover my butt)and ultra comfy. Something I can wear to dress up or grunge down in. So in comes the Grimace Top, which I am doing in a heavenly purple cotton. I am working in the round from the bottom up, and have reached the point of binding off for the armpits. Once again I am making up my own pattern. I do this mostly because I am pretty fussy and generally don't follow direction well, even in the knitting world. I prefer to just coast along minding my own business rather than stopping to read what to do next and fretting over whether I'll get it right. I get the image of what I want in my mind and find it easier to create it that way than to read it from a pattern. I am getting better at writing down the pattern as I go along so who knows, maybe one day I'll post one. I say that, but I don't think I've written more than the number of cast on stitches for this pattern! I might have even lost the pattern already for the Natali Rose Sweater. Perhaps I should make it a goal to spend a bit more time honing my skills in that area.
So here's a pic and I am off to work on it some more.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
done gone and run outta the nicies
I weathered the working late last night, although not without working myself into a tizzy and coming down with a case of the IJC Syndrome. That's my acronym for "Intense Jaw Clenching", which I unconsciously do more to implode than explode. It comes with the obvious side effect of a sore jaw as well as some others, like niceness deficiency and a fluttery feeling in my gut creating the fight or flight response. Usually I am quite animated, but when I am struck down by the IJC, my body becomes frozen and my head gets stuck in a sorta half turned, tilted position. I guess that's so I can't get enough blood to my face to allow for expression. Really, if I had any sense of humor right now I might laugh at the picture I make sitting there all frozen trying not to make a sound on the slight chance the enemy will forget I'm there. No longer able to hear because of the buzzing in my head, which somehow creates a dam and prevents distress from showing on the outside. (I'm not sure how it works but it's neat anyway.) And thinking, "oh please, hear no evil, speak no evil and perhaps I won't become mid-evil on your ass". Come on, it should be funny. Ha ha ha, (sarcasm).
Unfortunately, it takes me seconds to get caught with the IJC but days to recover. I have figured this week is lost and I just need to hide in my bubble space until Friday. I try to ease the symptoms the best I can. For instance I remembered that I got this cool electrostorm Boodha for 4 bucks at Goodwill last week. I plugged that in this morning and had many happy moments throughout the day touching his belly and making blue electricity. But really kids, this is the grown up world and while an electrostorm Boodha can make things better, it doesn't fix anything. Even my work buddies fitting me for a costume didn't bring back my nicies. (Coincidentally, I found the boodha while shopping for a costume, I didn't get a costume, but I got the boodha!) Usually it would be fun planning a party with costumes and food. They have me dressing up like a cuckoo clock, that's supposed to be way fun. The problem is I am tired, outta nicies, and my costume is a wicked uncomfortable box. I want to keep to my own bubble space, but a box? I am going along with it because I have realized that in my innermost dreams, I kinda covet the idea of working in a box. I am praying that I will get my sense of humor (which feeds the nicies) back by tomorrow and rally to get the costume done before the Friday debut. Did I mention this is part of a contest too? Which group can come up with the best theme and costumes. Ah jeez, I can't let them down. I'll knit tonight and work on the costume tomorrow. Really I will.
Unfortunately, it takes me seconds to get caught with the IJC but days to recover. I have figured this week is lost and I just need to hide in my bubble space until Friday. I try to ease the symptoms the best I can. For instance I remembered that I got this cool electrostorm Boodha for 4 bucks at Goodwill last week. I plugged that in this morning and had many happy moments throughout the day touching his belly and making blue electricity. But really kids, this is the grown up world and while an electrostorm Boodha can make things better, it doesn't fix anything. Even my work buddies fitting me for a costume didn't bring back my nicies. (Coincidentally, I found the boodha while shopping for a costume, I didn't get a costume, but I got the boodha!) Usually it would be fun planning a party with costumes and food. They have me dressing up like a cuckoo clock, that's supposed to be way fun. The problem is I am tired, outta nicies, and my costume is a wicked uncomfortable box. I want to keep to my own bubble space, but a box? I am going along with it because I have realized that in my innermost dreams, I kinda covet the idea of working in a box. I am praying that I will get my sense of humor (which feeds the nicies) back by tomorrow and rally to get the costume done before the Friday debut. Did I mention this is part of a contest too? Which group can come up with the best theme and costumes. Ah jeez, I can't let them down. I'll knit tonight and work on the costume tomorrow. Really I will.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Ho hum, working late
For the breaking story on last night's kill, use this link Once the kill actually took place I really began to feel bad. I got caught up in the thrill of the kill without considering how it would feel after I took someone out. That someone being the person in the game I feared the most. When I received her name as my target I tell you, I was so relieved because that meant she wouldn't have me! It might not have felt so bad if my target was someone who was passively playing with no intention of doing well. There must be someone out there just praying to be killed so they can pass on their work in progress. Those are the sane ones asking themselves what foolhardy thing they have signed on to. I am still waiting to see what happens next, a part of me almost hoping I get killed soon. I don't know if I have the energy to stay in the game. Of course, that's extreme fatigue talking and maybe I'll perk up after a couple days rest.
I woke up this morning to the phone ringing. It's a good thing because I am not sure how long I would have slept. Even in the midst of all this sock battling and Super Bowl madness I still have to work. It wasn't until 15 minutes before I got to work that I realized, shit, I have to work late tonight!!!!! It's probably a good thing I was a Zombie before or I might have gone back to bed, once again not considering the consequences of my actions. It's almost 5pm so I have made it this far, only 2.5 hours to go. I am rewarding myself by saying I can sleep in tomorrow, work be damned, I'll get there sometime!
Since I have to work late, I'll need to knit ASAP when I get home. Fool, if I had remembered I could have brought my knitting and snuck into a closet to get a fix. These long days are killers on addiction. I can't stop thinking about it. Damn work, damn late meeting. Damn not planning ahead and bringing an emergency knit kit!! This work is messing with my priorities. I am done ranting now, but I am not done resenting work for intefering with my plans tonight!
I woke up this morning to the phone ringing. It's a good thing because I am not sure how long I would have slept. Even in the midst of all this sock battling and Super Bowl madness I still have to work. It wasn't until 15 minutes before I got to work that I realized, shit, I have to work late tonight!!!!! It's probably a good thing I was a Zombie before or I might have gone back to bed, once again not considering the consequences of my actions. It's almost 5pm so I have made it this far, only 2.5 hours to go. I am rewarding myself by saying I can sleep in tomorrow, work be damned, I'll get there sometime!
Since I have to work late, I'll need to knit ASAP when I get home. Fool, if I had remembered I could have brought my knitting and snuck into a closet to get a fix. These long days are killers on addiction. I can't stop thinking about it. Damn work, damn late meeting. Damn not planning ahead and bringing an emergency knit kit!! This work is messing with my priorities. I am done ranting now, but I am not done resenting work for intefering with my plans tonight!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Battle worn
I mean I am literally battle worn. I started the battle socks yesterday morning and worked on them at a steady pace in between cooking and cleaning for SuperBowl at our house. I finished them right before the game started but then had to wait patiently for my chance to dash out and deliver them. They are delivered but not yet received. I am now waiting for my target to realize she's been hit, wondering if I'll be hit before then. The thrill I felt at getting those things out of my hands has now been replaced by extreme fatigue, a headache and aching joints. My hands have declared a knitting strike! No matter what happens now, I will relish in the glory of my own personal victory, finishing a pair of socks faster than I ever thought I could. What usually takes me 4 days on average happened in half the time. Holy smokes, I think I'll officially crash now. By the way, the photos above show the finished socks and the casket they were delivered in. The pattern was done specifically for the battle by Amy King called Killer Zap! I was nervous about going into the unkown, but I really do like this pattern.
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