Saturday, May 31, 2008


Logic and Emotion have been fighting for over a week now. I am done predicting there will be a clear winner, just going with the current one in the lead at any given moment. They are starting to compromise a bit though, which is making things a tad easier. Emotion decided around 10am on Wednesday that the only thing that would make the world better would be guppies. Logic didn't say no right away but decided to give more serious consideration to the idea before acting on it. Emotion wasn't happy because she wanted to leave work and get guppies at 11am on Wednesday. Together they managed to discuss (er, argue?) the pros and cons of guppies for a couple days. Eventually, after all the drama of Emotion whining "but its just guppies! All I want is guppies" and Logic asking for Emotion to be quiet (just for a second) so she could think this through, they agreed to get guppies. Logic finally agreed with the stipulation that the tank for guppies be purchased and prepared ahead of time before welcoming new visitors. Emotion just wanted the damn guppies, but went along with it anyway. They are both now pleased to say the guppies (thanks to Emotion) are here in their new home and more likely to survive, (thanks to Logic) in the tank they prepped ahead. Why guppies (why not goldfish or sharks)? Well, let's remember it wasn't logic's idea.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Titanic Style

Eric got this spur of the moment idea when we were camping last weekend to do a movie pose. We were trying to re-create the scene from Titanic where they are hanging from the front of the boat. Our oldest son was the camera man, but he took the shot before we were ready. Really, that's my story and I'm sticking to it (that and the 3 Hard Mike's I chugged right before). We were oblivious to how inappropriate we were, and apparently so was the little girl in the background. Imagine our surprise when our impromptu movie shot went beyond what is suitable for the playground. Course, we didn't know it at the time or I would have been shamefully sneaking out of the campground in the dark of the night. They must think we are terrible parents~ Arghhh matey!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

From arbitrary to crash & burn

So how do I know when I've gone from skidding outta control to crash and burn? Well, there's smoke coming out of my ears, my hair is singed, my feet feel like they're burning, I'm leaking fluids, my hood feels like it's dented but my backside is all twisted up and I can't see through all the crap on my glasses. Come to think of it, my body hurts all over. I think the damage is extensive, but repairable. I may just have to live with a tweaked frame for the rest of my life.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Gone arbitrary

How do I know when life is going too fast and I am skidding outta control? Well, first there's the inability to laugh at a good joke, or laughing too hard at a not so good joke. And then there's the complete arbitrariness that creeps over me and replaces all the productive thoughts in my brain. To steal from a wonderful, fantastic, awesome group on Ravelry, I go a bit "Completely Pointless and Arbitrary" myself. So, this is one of those days and I have just torn myself away from reading the most mindless (yet hysterical) random arbitrary ramblings of knitters around the world. Most days I just don't have the time for that, but on the skidding outta control days, it's about all I can do. These are the days when I am driving in my car and forget to turn the music on, while wondering why do the birds fly into the road, land and then take off all in the space of seconds while I am barreling towards them? Helloooo, don't they realize that is dangerous and unnecessary? Then the onslaught of random thoughts spirals out of control. Should I become a republican? How bad would it have to be for me to be a republican? Was I out of line to compare a certain someone to a hamster eating her young? OMG, why can't I get the picture out of my head of tiny little hamsters marching around like the gestapo so they won't be eaten too??!!! That's not funny, so why am I laughing? Do I look crazy driving in my car alone and laughing? For God's sake, "East bound and down, load it up and truck it, we're gonna do what they say can't be done" has no purpose in my life and yet it spends more time stuck in my head than any other song on the universe!! Could I be totally missing the point? Should I be loading it up and trucking to somewhere? Am I doing what can't be done. I want a clue. And if there is something to be said for the dumb songs that replay over and over in my head, year after year, then what's the story with these other regulars "Hit me with your best shot", "I'm here, to remind you of the mess you left when you went away", "Welcome to the jungle, baby" and my most recent "Dear Mr. President" Just to name a few. Maybe there is a point and I'm missing it. But why does it mostly happen when I walk into my bathroom? Is that when my thoughts are most random and therefore prone to musicgetsstuckinmyhead syndrome? Maybe I just need to load it up (the bullshit), truck it faster than what seems possible while daring people to stop me (with their best shot) and tell everyone who has screwed me over about the mess they've left me to deal with and just accept that its a friggin jungle out there that's getting worse everyday that is mostly caused by the president (who can't sleep at night because he's so guilty) and all the other people out there like him. Yes that's it, I'm glad I worked that one out.
Let's just see if I can outwit the random thought train again tomorrow, hah! Now, I must use my new self awareness for good and go channel it into knitting.

Monday, May 19, 2008

More Than a Blanket

I have been quiet on this project, but the time has finally come to share it and all the wonderful meaning behind it. A while back I mentioned that a friend was sick, but I didn't say much more. I was reeling from the shock and sadness of learning that a beloved coworker (Pam) was diagnosed with cancer and about to undergo hefty treatment. I shared my sorrow with the special knitting group from The Knitting Experience and they decided that a handmade gift was in order. The above blanket is the result of many hands and caring people! I am choked up at the magnitude of their generosity. Their support and delving into this project was a way for me to feel like I could do something in a seemingly powerless situation. When I first learned about Pam's illness, I couldn't imagine that such a bad thing could happen to such a great person. Pam continues to remain positive and even helped some of us when we were having difficulty accepting what was happening. I never doubted for a minute that she would come out of everything okay, but I couldn't bear the thought of her suffering through the treatments. She and the generosity of so many people have taught me once again that really good things can come out of bad things. I continue to be amazed at how many people at work have contributed to gift baskets and meals for her family. She is truly a deserving individual who has touched many people with her kindness and laughter. Of all the projects I have shared, I am proudest of this blanket, not made by me, but my many people for Pam.

I am especially grateful to Bridget, who helped with yarn and sewing squares.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Easy Lace Afghan

Easy Lace Afghan
Originally uploaded by timbertot
My current WIP, an afghan. I have resisted an afghan this long (besides the squares I'm doing a bit at a time for Tant's blanket), and it is becoming more and more clear why. BORING! I'm still knitting because I don't have anything else going, yet I know that will have to change soon. I seem to enjoy torturing myself and seeing how far I can push before I throw in the towel. I think I'm at 10"- Whooo hooo. This will clearly be a long term project to fill in the spaces between other projects.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, 4 bags full! One for me, one for me, one for me, and oh yeah, another one for me!
Yes, my obsession gets out of hand at times.

On Friday Eric and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. We went away for the weekend in Kennebunkport, ME. Although it rained pretty steadily, we had a great time in each other's company. In between side by side Swedish massages, relaxing in the hot tub (outside in the rain, how romantic) and dinners out, I managed to snag some great yarn deals. I've already gotten into a second ball of Lamb's Pride on an impromptu afghan. The Lamb's Pride was on clearance for 3.30 a ball, I stopped at 14. I've never faced the daunting task of knitting an afghan before but it only seemed appropriate with that much yarn. My pride and joy was the cashmere/wool blend I bought in a rosy color. It is so soft and I was hard pressed to walk out without it. Eric is so understanding, he actually encouraged me to go ahead and buy it. He still believes that I don't splurge on yarn that often. Interesting concept. I wonder how long I can keep that myth alive?

As for celebrating, we took some time to reminisce about the past 10 years and how much has changed. 3 kids, landlording, job changes, etc. On our first night I turned to Eric and asked, "Do you want to do something really wild and crazy?" He was right into that, so we switched sides of the bed. Whooo, crazy. After 10 years plus of sleeping on one side, it was almost too wild for me. I definitely regretted it in the morning.
The first photo above is of the new additions to the "stash" and the second is of me at Goose Rocks Beach with Timber Island in the background.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Back of cotton pullover

Back of cotton pullover
Originally uploaded by timbertot
I finished this sweater last week, in time to wear on a romantic getaway with my hubby. We celebrated 10 years this past weekend! (more details to come) I LOVE this sweater!