Monday, March 3, 2008

What a pain in my...

On Sunday we all went sledding. Too bad I didn't realize that I am getting too old for that kind of fun until the 3rd trip down. I took a 3 foot jump w/ my son on an inch of foam and the landing ruffled my tail feathers, so to speak. I can't walk or sit normal because I messed up my tailbone. Man, why couldn't I hurt something that isn't terribly embarrassing to admit to. I couldn't even hide it today with all the gimping around and grimacing I was doing. Let's not even get started on trying to drive the car, yeeeooow!

The latest pics are of the sweater for Eric and my trekking socks. After what seems like the umpteen millionth time starting it over, I think I have the measurements for the sweater right. I even managed to twisted the damn thing from the get go once, only discovering it after about 7 rows (more than 650 stitches but who is counting?). I love the yarn but I am really starting to hate this whole man sweater business. I can't give up though, because he sits there watching me and wanting it so badly to be finished. He's gone from praising me to wondering if he'll be able to wear it before spring comes.

The second of my Trekking socks is started but is on hiatus while I work on the sweater. I modeled the first one to show off my new shoes! Since I knit socks I need the perfect shoes to both model them and enhance the comfort of knit socks. I searched no less than a dozen places before finding these. By then I was able to easily justify the high cost of the shoes, having proven to myself that there were no better ones to be found. I laughed today wen I realized that I spend more time and money on outfitting my feet than the rest of my body put together. I live on the theory that if your feet are comfortable, you can pretty much weather anything.

Yup, no high heels for me, ever!


Anonymous said...

Cute shoes and they shoe off your socks perfectly!
I'm knitting a man sweater too - one more sleeve to go.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you found the perfect pair of shoes to show off your beautiful socks!