Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Emily's Meme keeps going...

I am going to keep this Meme going since that is the point of a meme. To find out more, check out Emily's blog here:

Then if anyone reading this is so inclined, consider continuing it. Please let me know if you do! The challenge for me is keeping the answers to one word. That leaves some of the answers open to different interpretations.

Where is your mobile phone? purse
Where is your significant other? diningroom
Your hair color? dirty
Your mother? nurturing
Your father? wise
Your favorite thing? family
Your dream last night? work
Your dream goal? retirement
The room you’re in? livingroom
Your hobby? knitting
Your fear? unknown
Where do you want to be in 6 years? self-employed
Where were you last night? home
What you’re not? untruthful
One of your wish-list items? steady-gait
Where you grew up? Topsham
The last thing you did? processed
What are you wearing? legwarmers!
Your TV? off
Your pets? rambunctious
Your computer? works
Your mood? BRAZEN
Missing someone? grammy
Your car? red
Something you’re not wearing? tiara
Favourite shop? TKE
Your summer? short
Love someone? many
Your favourite color? periwinkle
When is the last time you laughed? 2:30
When is the last time you cried? doctor's

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool meme :)