Well, the countdown to Halloween is here. Only a few days left to make sure that everything is ready to go. I have gone over my checklist and made sure I have all that I need. I have even knit and felted a gnome hat. True to his character, my youngest has been building onto his ensemble so that he will indeed, be the strangest child on the streets this Friday night. I originally suggested that he be a garden gnome for Halloween. He quickly embraced the idea and began to notice and collect gnomes where ever he could. Then he decided that he must have a cape, so he became Super Garden Gnome. Then last week he came home with glow in the dark vampire teeth, and added that to the costume. This weekend we picked up some silly glasses. I am almost scared to see what he'll come up with next. I have a sneaking suspicion it may have something to do with his new long johns, which he insisted he needed after seeing his dad wearing some on Saturday. I can just picture it now, a long john wearing super caped garden gnome with harry potter glasses and glow in the dark teeth, oh and did I forget the camouflage belt? He is so different than my other two children, who are content to go as a football player and snow princess. Usually I can't even get them to wear a whole costume.
As for knitted projects, I've gotten a few things done.
An Alpaca hat, which I made for a friend's birthday and then stealthily kept for myself. I'll eventually get over the guilt.

An Alpaca hat, which I made for a friend's birthday and then stealthily kept for myself. I'll eventually get over the guilt.

A pair of Football mitts out of some stash I had lying around. No, not Stash the kitty although he did come out for the photo.

I also finished my Maine sweater a few weeks ago and an ear flap hat for Eric. I'll get pics soon.
I am currently working on a sweater for my son's 10th birthday, coming up in a week and a half. I am loving fair isle right now and will try to throw some into the sweater. I bought the yarn and colors before I had a plan and fair isle seems like a nice way to bring the colors into play in a creative way.
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