Monday, October 6, 2008

Time Out

It seems fitting that the weather is changing and the landscape is beginning to take on the look of fall. I have done a lot of my own changing while I adjust to getting to know a new me and accepting that I have a chronic illness. It didn't just happen, in fact for months I have avoided people like the plague and for years I have dealt with a variety of symptoms that come and go. It's only now that I can say with a certain level of acceptance that I am living with this. I like routine and knowing what to expect but I also do well with small amounts of change and usually get excited about what I might learn. That is the attitude I am attempting to garner here as I face an uncertain future and adjustment to my long term goals. I am also waiting for a name for my illness though I strongly suspect I know what lurks here. With luck, it won't be much longer. I haven't posted in a while because I have searched for the proper opening to what is going on with me. In some posts I left it out but that didn't seem like the thing to keep doing. It is not my intention to solicit sympathy just to offer an excuse for a somewhat noticeable change in my behavior that is difficult to explain in regular conversation.

In the meantime, I do not have a lot to show in the way of knitting but there are a few things I've been working on. I am rediscovering my passion for reading which had taken a backseat to knitting the past couple of years. I go back and forth between the two past times now and even though this is hard for me to believe, I have gone an entire day or two (or more, I've lost count) in the past few weeks without knitting. I also mixed in a trip to Disney World with the family a couple weeks ago. My plan was to make a bunch of baby hats for charity but I was so busy I managed to make half of one the entire week!

I've made two pairs of mittens in Noro for The Littles (my two younger children), but have already lost one of the second pair!

Alpaca Mitts for me,

A catnip light saber for my new kitty, Stash (I was originally thinking of naming him Darth). He doesn't quite like it yet, instead he fears the force...

and finally started working on my gray sweater again that was started in July. I am pinching myself because I wrote the pattern but cannot find it anywhere. I convinced myself last night that the sweater can still be finished (just the sleeves are left) and I have enough information to get by. As for my hope of sharing it with others, nada. It'll probably turn up in my son's bedroom around next April or so, along with the other mitten.

I am making myself finish the sweater. Once that is done I can move on to new projects. I have plans to knit a felted hat for my son's Halloween costume, a sweater for my oldest and then start Christmas presents. It doesn't seem like I am starting as early as I had planned this year. Hmmmm.

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