Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Child Abuse Prevention Month!

I haven't posted in a while and coincidentally, the sun has come out! Usually around April each year I get lost for a few days (or more) and all routine goes out the window as I abandon all regular duties to soak up some long missed rays. However, I never neglect my knitting, which I can do anywhere. It is so much nicer to knit outside.
I am working on a cotton sweater by Tahki Stacy Charles that is turning out to be perfect for this time of year. As I finished up the first side it occurred to me that the cable looks much like the ribbon worn to celebrate "Child Abuse Prevention" month. Even better (and purely coincidental) the color is the exact blue of the ribbon. So, my sweater is turning out as my own personal tribute to child abuse prevention. As I knit it, I think about the many children that I have worked with over the years. I can only hope to make a small difference and hope that children everywhere can feel loved and valued. If there is a child in your life, reach out and give him or her a hug, right now! I see children everyday that need a nurturing adult to take a moment to let them know they care. If you read this, please think about doing something to make a difference in a child's life.

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