Sunday, August 3, 2008

Back to Reality

I've been on vacation for the past week and a half but it seems like eons have passed. Every day has been filled with activity and we have truly made the most of every moment! We started off with a few days of camping, followed by a visit from Eric's mother from Montana and then a visit from Eric's father and his wife from New Hampshire. In the midst of this, Teagan got his hearing aids. The next day we celebrated his 5th birthday and the day after we had a birthday party. The most incredible thing happened, all the grandparents showed up at the same time and we immediately grabbed cameras to take advantage of the once in a lifetime moment.
For Teagan's birthday I made him a special Mr Roboto Hearing Aid Caddy (pictured). It has an opening in the back for the hearing aid case and in the front a pocket for extra batteries. Teagan has learned that when the hearing aids come out, they go right into Mr Roboto. He has adjusted very well to wearing the hearing aids and announced today that he doesn't even feel them anymore. He has happily stated that he can hear and I can see the wonderful change in him.

So tomorrow, it's back to work and life has we know it. While I can't say that I am glad to be getting back to work, I am glad to be getting back into a routine. I have enjoyed all of the different moments of vacation but I am also pretty tired! It was just what I needed to keep my mind completely away from work. My one small regret is that I didn't spend just one day exploring other employment opportunities just to see what might be out there. There's nothing stopping me from still doing that, but it may have been easier to consider jumping ship while I was physically and mentally detached. Overall, I am not letting that or anything mar what has been a great vacation from the "norm". Can't wait to do it again!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Roboto is such a great idea! I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation.