Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Gone arbitrary

How do I know when life is going too fast and I am skidding outta control? Well, first there's the inability to laugh at a good joke, or laughing too hard at a not so good joke. And then there's the complete arbitrariness that creeps over me and replaces all the productive thoughts in my brain. To steal from a wonderful, fantastic, awesome group on Ravelry, I go a bit "Completely Pointless and Arbitrary" myself. So, this is one of those days and I have just torn myself away from reading the most mindless (yet hysterical) random arbitrary ramblings of knitters around the world. Most days I just don't have the time for that, but on the skidding outta control days, it's about all I can do. These are the days when I am driving in my car and forget to turn the music on, while wondering why do the birds fly into the road, land and then take off all in the space of seconds while I am barreling towards them? Helloooo, don't they realize that is dangerous and unnecessary? Then the onslaught of random thoughts spirals out of control. Should I become a republican? How bad would it have to be for me to be a republican? Was I out of line to compare a certain someone to a hamster eating her young? OMG, why can't I get the picture out of my head of tiny little hamsters marching around like the gestapo so they won't be eaten too??!!! That's not funny, so why am I laughing? Do I look crazy driving in my car alone and laughing? For God's sake, "East bound and down, load it up and truck it, we're gonna do what they say can't be done" has no purpose in my life and yet it spends more time stuck in my head than any other song on the universe!! Could I be totally missing the point? Should I be loading it up and trucking to somewhere? Am I doing what can't be done. I want a clue. And if there is something to be said for the dumb songs that replay over and over in my head, year after year, then what's the story with these other regulars "Hit me with your best shot", "I'm here, to remind you of the mess you left when you went away", "Welcome to the jungle, baby" and my most recent "Dear Mr. President" Just to name a few. Maybe there is a point and I'm missing it. But why does it mostly happen when I walk into my bathroom? Is that when my thoughts are most random and therefore prone to musicgetsstuckinmyhead syndrome? Maybe I just need to load it up (the bullshit), truck it faster than what seems possible while daring people to stop me (with their best shot) and tell everyone who has screwed me over about the mess they've left me to deal with and just accept that its a friggin jungle out there that's getting worse everyday that is mostly caused by the president (who can't sleep at night because he's so guilty) and all the other people out there like him. Yes that's it, I'm glad I worked that one out.
Let's just see if I can outwit the random thought train again tomorrow, hah! Now, I must use my new self awareness for good and go channel it into knitting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hee, hee. I felt like I was reading some version of my own random thoughts.