Thursday, May 29, 2008

Titanic Style

Eric got this spur of the moment idea when we were camping last weekend to do a movie pose. We were trying to re-create the scene from Titanic where they are hanging from the front of the boat. Our oldest son was the camera man, but he took the shot before we were ready. Really, that's my story and I'm sticking to it (that and the 3 Hard Mike's I chugged right before). We were oblivious to how inappropriate we were, and apparently so was the little girl in the background. Imagine our surprise when our impromptu movie shot went beyond what is suitable for the playground. Course, we didn't know it at the time or I would have been shamefully sneaking out of the campground in the dark of the night. They must think we are terrible parents~ Arghhh matey!


Anonymous said...

ROFL - that is way too funny! Perfect for a Friday.

Anonymous said...