Thursday, March 6, 2008

What kind of dinosaur am I?

A friend of mine has had a bit of a laugh at my expense with the whole hurt bum thing. She asked me what kind of dinosaur I would be. A Mega-Sore-Ass! At least it doesn't hurt as much to laugh now. I am beginning to think I'll never be able to sit properly again.

Finally, finally, finally, I am wearing my Knitter's Ring. I received the ring as a sweet surprise from Eric on Christmas day. We have finally gotten it the right size so I can talk with my hands without having it fly off and impale someone. Since I am still rather steamed about the whole wrong size thing and in no mood to rehash that, I'll just save that story for another time. I am posting a pic of the one from the jeweler's website. I am not saying where I got it, since I am also in no mood to give advertisement to the one stinking joint that sells the ring (hence the long story I refuse to tell about why it's taken more than two months for me to wear my new ring!!!). If you really want to know where to get one, drop me a line and I suppose I'll tell you.

Last night I bound off the body of Eric's sweater. I tried it on him, sorta, and it seems to fit so far. He got a bit excited and said, "So I could be wearing my sweater by this time next week?" Ha ha ha, his birthday isn't for another 2 weeks. I think I may just finish my other Trekking sock before starting the sleeves of his sweater. Then again, my oldest has been asking me to knit his gecko a sweater. I could waste, like 20 minutes doing that. Bottom line, If I don't finish Eric's sweater early then I won't have the whole dilemma of deciding whether to let him have it early or not. I am so smart, sometimes I scare myself.

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