Thursday, January 31, 2008

Let the battle begin!

I am gathering up my arsenal for an upcoming battle- it's a battle of the soxes. I have received my "target" and pre-instructions. Now I await the pattern needed to begin executing the demise of my victim. Sounds silly? It's really a simple but fun challenge where individuals are given a name and foot size of a "target" to knit socks for. The challenge is to "kill" people off by getting socks to the targets before becoming victims ourselves. Since I have no idea who my assassin is, I really don't know what I am up against. I know that I am not going to be the fastest knitter, so I am trying to come up with ways to shine through creativity. I have been researching (stalking) my victim and drumming up ideas for how to complete the sock delivery, aka assassination! If I think about it long enough, something good has to pop into my head eventually, right? The battle starts tomorrow night at 11:59 pm, the same time the pattern will be revealed. I can't wait for the sticks to fly!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


I have finally finished both the rose sweater and the matching doll sweater. I guess this is what a mad scientist feels like when he finally creates the ultimate concoction. I am secretly doing the mad laugh inside my head and chanting, "I've done it, I've found the secret formula!!" I took pics with my spinning wheel helping to model before wrapping it up. Tomorrow is Timi's birthday. The doll's sweater is simpler in design, it doesn't have the patterns or the rose. Other than that, it follows pretty much the same recipe. Yah!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Spinning my wheel!!

I got a spinning wheel, I got a SPINNING WHEEL!!!! Whooo Hooo. I am so giddy and I don't even know how to use it. I keep walking over to it and just working the pedal every once in a while, grinning like a child in a candy store. I got it from someone at work so it has spent the day in my office with me.
It's already been blessed with spiritual goodness. I placed it in my small area and left it alone for about 10 minutes while I waited for the first of my unfortunate office mates to walk in the door (I say unfortunate because they have to put up with me). When two of the unfortunates walked in I jumped up and down insisting they come see. Since they know I will jump until they give me what I want, they quickly came to see (and end their misery). As we all started to ooh and aah my office wall, er half-wall divider thingy fell down with no apparent reason. It was the panel right next to the wheel and it fell away from the wheel (Thank God, hallelujah!) We just know it was our office ghost! She likes it, I know she does. She probably knocked over the wall trying to get at the darn thing!
If I was a ghost I would definitely be going after other folk's fiber and stuff. I can just picture the antics I'd pull to get my hands on needles and yarn. Hee hee, I would be a very naughty ghost. For the sake of all mankind, let's hope I either never become a ghost or get a whole lot more mature before then! All this time we have known our ghost was one of two people, well ghosty, now I know for sure just who you are!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


On Friday night I mentioned to my husband that we should spend more quality time together. He said he thought we did, but then I reminded him that watching Fox news every night doesn't really count. So a short while later he came to me and asked me to teach him to knit. I resonded to this much like anyone would a wild bear cub in the woods. Do I run, back away slowly, or try to approach it cuz it's just too cute? Not sure what his intentions were, I half heartedly started the instructions, all the while thinking, boy, I don't know what you are up to but this is DEFINITELY messing with my knitting time! Low and behold, he sat there for at least an hour trying to knit. His favorite part was ripping the yarn back and starting over. Now, I know why this can be appealing to men, because as he practiced he got more and more determined to beat the bleeping yarn and overpower it! It became like a puzzle that he could solve. Hours later I even caught him asleep with the ball of yarn and a fantasy baseball stat book. Ahh, gotta love him. He tried the next day too, but since then I think the draw of the yarn has let him go. I learned my lesson too. I don't want to sacrifice my knitting time so I think I will just let things be. Lord knows, I am not about to share my balls (of yarn) with him on a regular basis. I'll share just about anything, but my stash is MY STASH!

I'm almost finished with the second arm of Timi's rose sweater. Last night I went into some crazed lunatic phase where I was trying to determine the exact amount of time it took me to do a round. I was almost spastic as I sailed round and round trying to see if my calculations would take me right to the time I was predicating based on each round. Then I started trying to beat my fastest round. Anyway, this went on for 30 minutes and I was trying to stop but couldn't! Occasionally I can sucumb to some compulsive behavior, I am not denying that. However, I couldn't understand why I wouldn't be this competitive with myself a half hour earlier on the treadmill! Boy, do I have my priorities messed up. So all the while I am cruising round and round, wishing I could stop with my neck aching, my tea next to me getting cold and cursing the clock that wasn't there before. Finally, about 5 rows before binding off I just stopped cold. I couldn't pick it up again after that. That 30 minutes of knitting was more painful than jogging on the treadmill. I chalk it up to having too many things on the fire. The compulsive and seemingly inane behavior seems to rise to the surface when my mind is racing with too many things. So tonight I am hopefully calmer and will finish the sleeve. I will not look at the clock, I will not look at the clock. In the meantime, I have also started a mini sweater for the doll she is getting from my parents for her birthday. She and her doll will have matching sweaters, how sweet!
I finished the snake for my son last week (it's the pic above). He kept getting after me to finish it and now he wants nothing to do with it. Of all the nerve. I told him he could give it to his big brother who then decided he doesn't want it. Oh sure, when it wasn't yours you wanted it. I think my next project will be all about me.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What happens when Dad parks his car in Mom's garage?

Parenting is filled with plenty of amusement and at times enough stress to knock a sane person off their rocker. Last night we enjoyed a midnight rendezvous with our 4 year old who came crawling into our bed crying from a nightmare. 3 hours later we awoke to a pee filled bed. I gave serous thought to staying there in the corner of the bed and just taking my chances. However, my son was also trying to avoid the pee (hello you are lying in it!) and was pushing his wet little butt up against my back. End of a dream and a good night's sleep. We managed to reconstruct our sleeping situation and arise hours later less rested but still prepared to face the day. That moment was a true omen to the quirkiness that followed me the rest of the day. Many things just seemed out of place today but the humor of it didn't hit me until earlier this evening. We had just gotten the children to bed. Eric and I were heavily engaged in a discussion about the differences in how we have taught our children to wipe their butts. I suddenly found this greatly amusing but Eric was not going to be swayed from being seriously perturbed over a toilet cloggage that could not be beat. As we stood in our very tiny bathroom, each demonstrating our methods for wiping and debating the quantity of toilet paper used in the process I realized, we have all gone insane! Meanwhile, our 9 year old laid in his bedroom crying over the clog he had caused, the 4 year old insisted that his brother's crying was preventing him from sleeping and my daughter needed "another hug and kiss". With some quick wit and a sense of humor I managed to calm them down, including the husband. It isn't always easy to bust out the sense of humor though and those are the times these pesky little things can make us all completely lose our focus.

There is nothing easy about being a parent but the unexpected surprises are the magic that keeps us going. For instance, my daughter announced last week that she will not have a baby because it will hurt too much. After Eric and I initially reacted with, "good idea" we realized that we have job to do and this was after all a "teachable moment". The conversation turned into the whole "how babies are made" topic. My oldest son seemed to know the answer as evidenced by his "lord shoot me now" smile and uncomfortable shuffling in his chair. At times I will admit a little devil rises up and takes over inside of me. Seeing the look on my son's face made the devil stronger and it just wanted more more more! I couldn't resist the opportunity to make him squirm even more so I begged him for the answer. How are babies made? After a few more moments of squirming and a face that I can't quite decide was pleasure or pain, a great woosh of wind swept through him. As it left his body it brought the words tumbling quickly, "well, the father parks his car in the mom's garage!" I am not sure what was funnier, what he said or the gust of wind that seemed to throw it all out on the table against his will. Of course, I questioned whether I did the right thing by encouraging the conversation and if it benefited them in any way. I will always question if I do the right things because I am a mom. In the end I know that just the laughter and the nightly routine of being together benefits us all even if the topics are somewhat off track. On top of that, I am now confident that my space in the garage is secure. I doubt that Eric will set off a household panic by taking my space in the garage anytime soon.

Spongebob Smoothies w/ Spongebob shoes

The socks in full glory with the spongebob shoes! I am using the rest of the yarn to make a colorful snake. I need to go get it finished cuz my little man is feeling the need to wrap his arms around it. I have been stalling a bit until I can find a wiry something to put inside. I want it to bend and snake around things for extra snake charm. He keeps telling me its long enough and just finish it already! Guess I'll go work on that.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Divorce Doily

I had this great idea that for Christmas this year, I would do something different for my mom. It turned out to be a nightmare of a doily! I had started out on a very pretty and simple lace pattern but early on for no obvious reason, I messed it up. I wasn't able to save it, so I decided to save time by starting over with a different pattern that had fewer rows. My first mistake was in trying to make a doily to fit in a frame I had already bought. My second mistake was thinking all doily patterns are created equal and allowing myself only one day to get it done. The make up of the second pattern was so intense that by the time I finished the 40 or so rows of the pattern, my hands were reduced to shaking claws. My hubby came to my rescue to help me block the doily and he managed to wedge it into the frame. By that time I had lost all control over my fingers. He lovingly referred to this doily as the "divorce doily" since it nearly split the family apart (they were all told to stay away so I could count!). I swore I would never do a doily again. It was even the first time I ever considered throwing my knitting across the room! A few weeks have passed and I no longer feel such distaste for the doily. I went to my parents house earlier this evening and grabbed some photos since I hadn't gotten any before. Who knows, I might even do one again, just not this pattern!

This pic is a sock for my little guy. I am calling this pair the "Spongebob Smoothie" since the yarn looks like the colors of all the characters of Spongebob mixed together. I started these this afternoon and should be done with the second one tomorrow. I also made a pair of socks for Timi with the yarn left over from my last pair and have been working on her sweater. There is a lot of repetition in the sweater so I need to stop often. This is a pic of her trying it on so I could check the fit.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Truth in Tea?

I realized last night that I haven't bought any yarn in almost 2 weeks. EEK! That's a record I don't need to keep. Luckily I had to take my son to a Dr's appointment this morning and just happened to be passing by Spunky Eclectic.
I was missing almost an entire managment meeting after saying I'd be a "just a little late" but the pull of yarn was just too great. Feeling only mildly guilty I went in and picked up 3 skeins of superwash wool for socks. I tried to get my son to keep it a secret but he couldn't wait to tell people what we had done! I am just happy to have the yarn.

The other day I dropped a tea bag into my cup and on the tag read:
"An optimist is never pleasantly surprised"
Now I can't get it out of my head. This is the first time that I have truly wondered about the truth of the phrase on a tea bag. I am curious if anyone reads this blog and if so, does anyone have an opinion? I believe an optimist can see the positive and expect great things but still encounter great "unexpected" things. At any rate, I would be interested in what other people think.

I would like to post my nephew's hat with a pattern here shortly. I haven't added the photo yet because I am hoping to get a burst of ambition and post it together with the pattern. I did begin working further on the rose sweater but it's at a tedious place that is straining my wrist, so I may take several breaks to do other things in between. I can make socks!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Quake is better

Check out this link for a cute retro commercial where an alien knits his way to saving the day! I think he'd make a great mascot.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Rose Sweater

Rose Sweater
Originally uploaded by timbertot
The rose is difficult to see, so I tried catching it at an angle. It goes from side to side most of the width of the back. The sleeves have the small curl design and are currently on holders while I complete the rest of the body.

Oh Happy Monday!

It really is a happy Monday. I have a cold, but overall I feel good to have gotten a lot done today. I woke up determined to make this a good day. It's all part of my new year's resolution to stop stressing the stupid things. Fortunately, the stupid things only occur in relation to my job so they are easy to identify. Additionally, my other resolutions are to:
1. exercise regularly
2. eat better so then...
3 I'll lose weight!
4. and finally, not allow my work to make me crazy or require a need for pills, a padded room and/ or therapy in order to cope (that's what the teen years were for). I might need a miracle for this one if anyone has one to spare.

There's this website at that is pretty interesting, if you're into the becoming a better person sort of thing. I checked this out this past summer and ordered a bunch of the bracelets (They are PURPLE!!). The idea is to wear the bracelet as a reminder not to complain for a full three weeks. If you should have a relapse, then you switch it to the other wrist and start again. A bunch of us tried this out at work and didn't fair too well. Originally, someone had pointed this out to me because I go around preaching positive attitudes and threaten to boot those negative types. Therefore, I felt obligated to really really try. When I found myself standing in front of my coworkers dangling the bracelet in front of me, having become tired of switching it during a bit of a tirade, I realized it wasn't going so well. For a few days, we all gave more thought to what we said, but even better, we had many laughs over the flustered bracelet switching (oops) and attempts to remain positive in tough situations. I have since come to the conclusion that it is a great thing just to try to be more positive and every bit counts. If we all just take some time to think about how our behavior affects other people, we can make a difference in the world. That said, I am not quite ready to don the bracelet again for a stab at another 3 weeks. I do keep it on my desk as a reminder and perhaps one day I will try again...

As for knitting. I worked on the pink sweater Friday night but have not picked it up since then. I am at a stand still about what to do next, waiting until I come up with the perfect solution. In lieu of the sweater, I worked on a simple hat for my nephew in a self striping sock yarn. I started decreasing for the top of the head last night and should finish tonight. If the next phase of the sweater hasn't hit me by the time I am finished with the hat, I think I'll cast on some socks. Then again, there's always a couple other sweaters I started that I could try finishing. Hmm, we'll see about that.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Alpaca scarf

Alpaca scarf
Originally uploaded by timbertot

my pretty pastel sock

my pretty pastel sock
Originally uploaded by timbertot

Finally Posting

So, I set this page up last week and finally think I have enough brain activity to start and complete a thought for my first post. I can't imagine anyone would ever read this, yet then I think of all of the enjoyment I get from reading other blogs and so here we go.

I am taking a break from ravelry and wondering how this knitting obsession got so far? I have never been one to be the addicted type, yet I can't stop knitting or engaging in activities that are knitting related. The introduction of Ravelry into my life has just made it go from a cutesy addiction to knuckle biting NEED. I think I have come to the conclusion that I would rather knit than eat. I certainly would rather be on Ravelry than work. Okay, that's not addiction, that's just human nature.

So what's on the stix?
The big To Do right now is a sweater for my daughter's 6th birthday, coming up later this month. I pored over patterns everywhere but in the end, decided to make up a pattern just for her. That was my original plan and I should have just gone with it, but I think I needed the time to think about what I really wanted. I haven't taken any pics yet but I am well on my way and eager to get back into it tonight. I am using a pink cotton/acrylic yarn on size 6 needles. It is a top down raglan cardigan with a rose pattern on the back and small curls on the arms. Once I reach the mid- stomach, I will increase and start a long lace bottom. I bought some pearls to add into it but haven't decided yet how to incorporate these.

I recently finished several pairs of socks, many as holiday gifts. Once Christmas ended I felt lost without all the projects and due dates. All I knew, was I needed to knit for myself for a while. I quickly knit myself a purple alpaca and silk scarf followed by another pair of socks. I always say it'll be a great day when I am wearing a pair of handknit socks. Yesterday I wore both the socks and the scarf. Sooo much happiness!

Okay, here's the test, can I get the pics to post? Start the Jeopardy music while I try to post pics from some of my most recent projects.

That didn't work within the post, but I can get them on the site separately. I promise to get better at this.