Thursday, January 24, 2008


On Friday night I mentioned to my husband that we should spend more quality time together. He said he thought we did, but then I reminded him that watching Fox news every night doesn't really count. So a short while later he came to me and asked me to teach him to knit. I resonded to this much like anyone would a wild bear cub in the woods. Do I run, back away slowly, or try to approach it cuz it's just too cute? Not sure what his intentions were, I half heartedly started the instructions, all the while thinking, boy, I don't know what you are up to but this is DEFINITELY messing with my knitting time! Low and behold, he sat there for at least an hour trying to knit. His favorite part was ripping the yarn back and starting over. Now, I know why this can be appealing to men, because as he practiced he got more and more determined to beat the bleeping yarn and overpower it! It became like a puzzle that he could solve. Hours later I even caught him asleep with the ball of yarn and a fantasy baseball stat book. Ahh, gotta love him. He tried the next day too, but since then I think the draw of the yarn has let him go. I learned my lesson too. I don't want to sacrifice my knitting time so I think I will just let things be. Lord knows, I am not about to share my balls (of yarn) with him on a regular basis. I'll share just about anything, but my stash is MY STASH!

I'm almost finished with the second arm of Timi's rose sweater. Last night I went into some crazed lunatic phase where I was trying to determine the exact amount of time it took me to do a round. I was almost spastic as I sailed round and round trying to see if my calculations would take me right to the time I was predicating based on each round. Then I started trying to beat my fastest round. Anyway, this went on for 30 minutes and I was trying to stop but couldn't! Occasionally I can sucumb to some compulsive behavior, I am not denying that. However, I couldn't understand why I wouldn't be this competitive with myself a half hour earlier on the treadmill! Boy, do I have my priorities messed up. So all the while I am cruising round and round, wishing I could stop with my neck aching, my tea next to me getting cold and cursing the clock that wasn't there before. Finally, about 5 rows before binding off I just stopped cold. I couldn't pick it up again after that. That 30 minutes of knitting was more painful than jogging on the treadmill. I chalk it up to having too many things on the fire. The compulsive and seemingly inane behavior seems to rise to the surface when my mind is racing with too many things. So tonight I am hopefully calmer and will finish the sleeve. I will not look at the clock, I will not look at the clock. In the meantime, I have also started a mini sweater for the doll she is getting from my parents for her birthday. She and her doll will have matching sweaters, how sweet!
I finished the snake for my son last week (it's the pic above). He kept getting after me to finish it and now he wants nothing to do with it. Of all the nerve. I told him he could give it to his big brother who then decided he doesn't want it. Oh sure, when it wasn't yours you wanted it. I think my next project will be all about me.

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