Monday, January 7, 2008

Oh Happy Monday!

It really is a happy Monday. I have a cold, but overall I feel good to have gotten a lot done today. I woke up determined to make this a good day. It's all part of my new year's resolution to stop stressing the stupid things. Fortunately, the stupid things only occur in relation to my job so they are easy to identify. Additionally, my other resolutions are to:
1. exercise regularly
2. eat better so then...
3 I'll lose weight!
4. and finally, not allow my work to make me crazy or require a need for pills, a padded room and/ or therapy in order to cope (that's what the teen years were for). I might need a miracle for this one if anyone has one to spare.

There's this website at that is pretty interesting, if you're into the becoming a better person sort of thing. I checked this out this past summer and ordered a bunch of the bracelets (They are PURPLE!!). The idea is to wear the bracelet as a reminder not to complain for a full three weeks. If you should have a relapse, then you switch it to the other wrist and start again. A bunch of us tried this out at work and didn't fair too well. Originally, someone had pointed this out to me because I go around preaching positive attitudes and threaten to boot those negative types. Therefore, I felt obligated to really really try. When I found myself standing in front of my coworkers dangling the bracelet in front of me, having become tired of switching it during a bit of a tirade, I realized it wasn't going so well. For a few days, we all gave more thought to what we said, but even better, we had many laughs over the flustered bracelet switching (oops) and attempts to remain positive in tough situations. I have since come to the conclusion that it is a great thing just to try to be more positive and every bit counts. If we all just take some time to think about how our behavior affects other people, we can make a difference in the world. That said, I am not quite ready to don the bracelet again for a stab at another 3 weeks. I do keep it on my desk as a reminder and perhaps one day I will try again...

As for knitting. I worked on the pink sweater Friday night but have not picked it up since then. I am at a stand still about what to do next, waiting until I come up with the perfect solution. In lieu of the sweater, I worked on a simple hat for my nephew in a self striping sock yarn. I started decreasing for the top of the head last night and should finish tonight. If the next phase of the sweater hasn't hit me by the time I am finished with the hat, I think I'll cast on some socks. Then again, there's always a couple other sweaters I started that I could try finishing. Hmm, we'll see about that.

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