Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Truth in Tea?

I realized last night that I haven't bought any yarn in almost 2 weeks. EEK! That's a record I don't need to keep. Luckily I had to take my son to a Dr's appointment this morning and just happened to be passing by Spunky Eclectic.
I was missing almost an entire managment meeting after saying I'd be a "just a little late" but the pull of yarn was just too great. Feeling only mildly guilty I went in and picked up 3 skeins of superwash wool for socks. I tried to get my son to keep it a secret but he couldn't wait to tell people what we had done! I am just happy to have the yarn.

The other day I dropped a tea bag into my cup and on the tag read:
"An optimist is never pleasantly surprised"
Now I can't get it out of my head. This is the first time that I have truly wondered about the truth of the phrase on a tea bag. I am curious if anyone reads this blog and if so, does anyone have an opinion? I believe an optimist can see the positive and expect great things but still encounter great "unexpected" things. At any rate, I would be interested in what other people think.

I would like to post my nephew's hat with a pattern here shortly. I haven't added the photo yet because I am hoping to get a burst of ambition and post it together with the pattern. I did begin working further on the rose sweater but it's at a tedious place that is straining my wrist, so I may take several breaks to do other things in between. I can make socks!!

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