Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Angora/ Silk Yarn

Angora/ SIlk Yarn
Originally uploaded by
The yarn that makes me dizzy with desire. I want to touch it and knit with it. Alas, I am regaled with the should's and works in progress. I should finish Eric's sweater, some baby things, the list goes on. But soon enough , oh yarn of my dreams. I have been dreaming and plotting my hopes for you. I can't focus on work, knitting, or anything right now without thinking about you. I think I've dreamed up the perfect project for you. Maybe I'll just swatch you for now, and then finish those other things...


emily said...

I wonder if I should place money on a bet that you'll give in and start a project with this yarn before you finish all your current projects... I think it is a bet I might actually win :-)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you win. You left your comment last night while I was already in the throes of angora/silk passion. I don't even feel bad about it today.