Tuesday, February 5, 2008

done gone and run outta the nicies

I weathered the working late last night, although not without working myself into a tizzy and coming down with a case of the IJC Syndrome. That's my acronym for "Intense Jaw Clenching", which I unconsciously do more to implode than explode. It comes with the obvious side effect of a sore jaw as well as some others, like niceness deficiency and a fluttery feeling in my gut creating the fight or flight response. Usually I am quite animated, but when I am struck down by the IJC, my body becomes frozen and my head gets stuck in a sorta half turned, tilted position. I guess that's so I can't get enough blood to my face to allow for expression. Really, if I had any sense of humor right now I might laugh at the picture I make sitting there all frozen trying not to make a sound on the slight chance the enemy will forget I'm there. No longer able to hear because of the buzzing in my head, which somehow creates a dam and prevents distress from showing on the outside. (I'm not sure how it works but it's neat anyway.) And thinking, "oh please, hear no evil, speak no evil and perhaps I won't become mid-evil on your ass". Come on, it should be funny. Ha ha ha, (sarcasm).

Unfortunately, it takes me seconds to get caught with the IJC but days to recover. I have figured this week is lost and I just need to hide in my bubble space until Friday. I try to ease the symptoms the best I can. For instance I remembered that I got this cool electrostorm Boodha for 4 bucks at Goodwill last week. I plugged that in this morning and had many happy moments throughout the day touching his belly and making blue electricity. But really kids, this is the grown up world and while an electrostorm Boodha can make things better, it doesn't fix anything. Even my work buddies fitting me for a costume didn't bring back my nicies. (Coincidentally, I found the boodha while shopping for a costume, I didn't get a costume, but I got the boodha!) Usually it would be fun planning a party with costumes and food. They have me dressing up like a cuckoo clock, that's supposed to be way fun. The problem is I am tired, outta nicies, and my costume is a wicked uncomfortable box. I want to keep to my own bubble space, but a box? I am going along with it because I have realized that in my innermost dreams, I kinda covet the idea of working in a box. I am praying that I will get my sense of humor (which feeds the nicies) back by tomorrow and rally to get the costume done before the Friday debut. Did I mention this is part of a contest too? Which group can come up with the best theme and costumes. Ah jeez, I can't let them down. I'll knit tonight and work on the costume tomorrow. Really I will.

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