Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Flubber's Day

I have officially flubbed Valentine's Day. My dear hubby, Eric came through this time and got the kids each a little something. Naturally the kids assumed I had bought the stuff and it would have been easy enough to go along with that, except Eric would have eventually found me out. When my daughter saw my chocolate on the counter she even felt bad for me, assuming I had bought it for myself. She immediately promised to make me a card but once again, I had to fess up and tell her that dad had bought it for me. It was kinda nice to get a little pity, even if it was misplaced. I figured I'd do a little something for everyone on my way home but... Really, I have an excuse, the weather has sucked and the driving was sketchy. I couldn't figure out why my car felt all loosey goosey because the roads didn't look too terrible, but there was enough ice to make me feel like I was surfing on luck alone. I can still get them something tomorrow, and it'll be on sale! With kids any candy is good candy, even if its a day late.
Flubbing aside, I finished a pair of socks tonight for my friend's birthday, which is tomorrow. Everyday it's been a little harder because Deputy Trudy Wiegles has been getting after my needles. The Reno 911 character did not come out ofthe tv screen, "Trudy" is my cat, named after the tv character. Every night this week she's gotten into my bag after I've gone to bed and chewed a bit more on the needles. Tonight the tip of one was chewed enough to get snagged on the yarn but I had to persevere. These are my favorite needles just because I use them the most. I've heard of cats who love yarn, but she didn't even touch that. Now I'm onto a little project that's been hibernating all winter. I am excited to get back to it and will share more on it next time.

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