Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Like Totally Psych-ic'd, Man

Clearly I haven't written in a while. Seems like Flubber's Day was centuries ago. I managed to flub up the day after by forgetting the birthday socks and then getting a flat tire. Since then it's been one thing after another and I am not even sure I can write with much sense in this blog. I topped off the general zaniness of the past week and a half by getting a reading from a psychic this weekend. As if I wasn't already paranoid, now I worry that I am sending out crazy vibes to all the psychics out there. I think she may have felt sorry for me! I felt like she was reading me like a book and that freaked me out. Hey, I actually said how I felt. She said that I hide my feelings so that others can't use them to gain control and over power me. Hmmm, has she been reading my blog perhaps? I could go on with some of the other eerie insights, but really, I am not that open about "stuff". The psychic didn't have to tell me that by the way, I already knew that I am a human robot!
I will say though, that she suggested I try to be more spontaneous and "passionate" (get out of the gutter, she meant losing myself in something and forgetting time and other commitments). I am trying really really hard but that isn't something you can just do. Ha ha, that wasn't supposed to be funny but the pun is there just the same. I thought about some of the ways and all I came up with so far was to leave a valley girl voice mail on my cell phone. By the way, I like do this amazingly wicked valley girl impression ya know. It would like totally rock your world and you would so die laughing. Anyway, it would have been funny but then I was so worried that someone would actually call my phone and hear it and well, when I called to check I had accidentally forgotten to save it or something because it wasn't there. I don't think I am cut out for that sort of fun. I used to be, whoa boy, I used have some fun. Unfortunately, I have a stupid rep to protect (love that one!) and my own stupid fear of calling unnecessary attention to myself. Oh my gosh, I think I am giving myself away here, must retreat to robot mode.
So, in my last post I mentioned pulling out an old project to finish. It was a sweater for Eric that I had first started this past fall. I got working on it a couple weeks ago but soon realized I had stopped before because I was running out of yarn. After some problem solving I decided to get a contrasting color for the hems and quickly got back to work. I worked for a couple days on it before I realized the super duper problem, it is WAY TOO SMALL for Eric. I don't even think I could comfortably wear this. What was I thinking? I am trying to imagine all the ways it could have shrunk in the closet. The good news is that I am well on my way to finishing it and eventually it will fit my daughter and more importantly, because I could not possibly rip out that much knitting, I had to buy more yarn and it was on sale! So, I got this wonderful organic cotton and started over, and then over and tonight I'll start over again. At least I have started over enough times now that I think I'll get it right. I could always consider using a pattern, naw! I did the front and the back of the sweater and was getting ready to finish off the shoulders when I thought hmmm, the neck doesn't look big enough and the shoulders aren't as wide as I'd like. I held it up to Eric and quickly announced that it's a "do over". He didn't react well to this news and I doubt he believes I'll really do it. He thought it was such a shame to waste all that hard work. I'll wait to do it when he's not looking so it won't hurt him so much. Silly man, doesn't he realize I LIKE knitting? It isn't like I am knitting him a sweater because he's cold or can't get to a store to buy one. Geez Louise, non-knitters, they make no sense :)'

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