Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Staying Alive

Yeah, yeah, I am not working on my costume. But I did bring the box home and stopped to get some paint to make it look clocklike. Maybe I'll get to it tonight, but then again, there's always tomorrow. I want to work on my Grimace Top, which I started last Monday. I had to stop over the weekend for the sock battle and would like to finish it before the next socks arrive for me to finish. I am not dead (yet) and have gotten word that the next pair for me to complete will be working their way to me soon. Now its a wait and see whether I'll get them before I am killed with my own pair of socks.

The Grimace Top: My goal was to come up with something like a vest but long (to cover my butt)and ultra comfy. Something I can wear to dress up or grunge down in. So in comes the Grimace Top, which I am doing in a heavenly purple cotton. I am working in the round from the bottom up, and have reached the point of binding off for the armpits. Once again I am making up my own pattern. I do this mostly because I am pretty fussy and generally don't follow direction well, even in the knitting world. I prefer to just coast along minding my own business rather than stopping to read what to do next and fretting over whether I'll get it right. I get the image of what I want in my mind and find it easier to create it that way than to read it from a pattern. I am getting better at writing down the pattern as I go along so who knows, maybe one day I'll post one. I say that, but I don't think I've written more than the number of cast on stitches for this pattern! I might have even lost the pattern already for the Natali Rose Sweater. Perhaps I should make it a goal to spend a bit more time honing my skills in that area.
So here's a pic and I am off to work on it some more.

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